The proverbial question. I'm I too late?

Quick background. I have been in the real estate industry as a site acquisition agent and right of way agent. I have extensive experience acquiring cell sites so I’m very familiar with leasing, zoning and permitting, ordinances, etc.

I interesting in know if there is still an opportunity to acquire and permit billboard sites and then flip them to billboard companies. Obviously, I know there is more to it than just acquisition and permitting (traffic counts etc).

Is this a viable business model or has permitting new billboards, become impossible due to zoning restrictions?

I’m in Oklahoma and have access to all major mtero areas.

Thank you for your time and input.

Have you ever considered just using that land to place a billboard of your own ? You can make the investment on the land and one large LED digital billboard and start it off from there . Your profits from the advertisers can pay for your next chunk of land and billboard . and before you know it , your running your own billboard company :slight_smile:

Am I too late. ??
It is extremly difficult finding and permitting good billboard sites. Been doing it for many years, but possible.
See you are in Okla. I am in Dallas Texas.
Is there any money in cell phone towers?
I travel extensively and can find cell phone tower sites due to the limited state and city regs.
Can we work together?

Jeff 469-230-3374